Monday, October 12, 2015

Yesterday at Art Silicon Valley/San Francisco, gallery owner extraordinaire Andra Norris gave a symposium on two of her artists -- Kim Frohsin and myself.

Kim has a new series titled Cautionary Tales -- in which she has explored (on foot, with camera in hand) the changing cityscape of her beloved San Francisco.  She has documented the changes she sees -- old buildings being replaced with high rises -- and the resulting displacement of long time residents -- into her paintings.  Her paintings are colorful, beautiful yet eloquent collages of these changes.

My new paintings are the latest evolution of my "portraits in absentia" series, in which I paint portraits of people -- real or imagined -- using their belongings to recount their stories, choice and lives. Lately, I've chosen the clothing that we choose to cover (or adorn)  ourselves with -- our uniforms, our flamboyance, our circumstances, our celebrations.  I believe that our clothing retains something of our essence -- our truest selves -- even after we have discarded it.

Andra spoke deeply and perceptively about Kim's and my journeys of discovery and alchemy -- as we explored and then brought to life our newest work.

What a gift it is to hear a passionate art lover, art thinker, art collector discuss one's work!  Thank you Andra!

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